[Music] [kouhia@nic.funet.fi: Juno synth]

Alexandre Prokoudine avp at altlinux.ru
Wed Nov 19 21:17:49 MSK 2003

----- Forwarded message from Juhana Sadeharju <kouhia at nic.funet.fi> -----

From: Juhana Sadeharju <kouhia at nic.funet.fi>
To: nicktsocanos at charter.net, avp at altlinux.ru, dlphilp at bright.net,
	willb at cs.wisc.edu, lau at therockgarden.ca, daniel at mondodesigno.com
Subject: Juno synth
Date:	Wed, 19 Nov 2003 20:03:04 +0200

Hello. Some time ago you discussed about Juno. As you may know
there were source code available with some restricted license.
I have placed the source code available at
for open source development purposes.

Delete object files before compiling, as they are not mine but
Juno author's.

The filter code looks familiar but I don't remember from who
Juno author took it (uncredited?). It could be a Russian guy
who posted the code to Comp.dsp newsgroup, I don't remember.


----- End forwarded message -----

Alexandre Prokoudine		| "When you set yourself on fire and aim 
ALT Linux Documentation Team	|  for the sky, you hope to leave behind 
E-mail: avp at altlinux.ru		|  some sparks of heat and light"
JabberID: avp at altlinux.org	|                             Neil Peart
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