[Music] Website keyword availablity. Info# 0593519

keithg175438 at cliffhanger.com keithg175438 at cliffhanger.com
Wed Sep 24 13:08:23 MSD 2003

This message is intended for the owner of this website.  If you received this =
email in error please disregard.
Your website using the Meta tag keywords  are available from our service which =
puts in in the number one position using our patented internet display =
advertising system.  
 When your keyword or phrase is entered your page will automatically opens up =
and your competitors site will not.  This new system doesn't allow anyone tp =
"outbid" you.  You own your keyword(s) or phrase(s) for a full year.  
You can choose which sites they operate on like Google, MSN, Overture, Yahoo =
and more, plus you can choose even regions within the search engines.  
This new service costs only a fraction of the price that you would pay a =
normal pay per click! You don't have to wait weeks or months to get this =
position but just hours.  
Get in on the ground floor and have the best season you have ever had!  Take =
control of your business and call us today.  800-583-1494 or click here to =
learn more: http://www.rapidword.info/rapidwords/
Remember when a word or phase is sold it will not be available for another =
year, and only if the buyer chooses not to renew it.

To learn more goto: http://www.rapidword.info/rapidwords/

To not recieve this mail again  http://www.rapidword.info/rapidwords/optout1.=

$Randomstring $Randomwords

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