[Music] Fw: [Rosegarden-devel] VSTs in Rosegarden]

Alexandre Prokoudine avp at altlinux.ru
Fri Nov 14 21:40:05 MSK 2003

Кстати, некто в этом году выложил на SourceForge.net официальный vstgui.

Лицензионность я пока не поверял...

----- Forwarded message from Chris Cannam <cannam at all-day-breakfast.com> -----

From: Chris Cannam <cannam at all-day-breakfast.com>
To: rosegarden-devel at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Rosegarden-devel] VSTs in Rosegarden
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 14:47:48 +0000

I haven't the time to mess around with this any more myself at the 
moment, but just to report that I've established that VST plugins 
(not instruments) can work in Rosegarden at least in principle, using  
Kjetil Matheussen's Wine-based VST server.

Here's a rundown of what you have to do.  Some of this is set out in 
http://www.djcj.org/LAU/quicktoots/toots/vst-plugins/, though that 
doesn't refer to Rosegarden.

 1. Download the vstserver and ladspavst packages from

 2. Make sure you have a recent version of the Wine development 
packages.  I used the one supplied with SuSE 9.0, but there is one 
also available for download at the above site if you want a known 
quantity.  If you have to build and install Wine, do that now.

 3. Build the vstserver package (check the Wine path in the top of the 
makefile, then just make).  This will produce an executable called 

 4. Build the ladspavst package (very simple indeed), producing a 
shared object called vst.so.  Copy this to /usr/lib/ladspa or 
wherever your LADSPA plugins reside.

 5. Get some VST plugin DLLs and stick them in a directory.  Set the 
environment variable VSTPATH to point to that directory.  Also set 
the environment variable LADSPAVST_RT to 1.  (This may be a bad thing 
from the perspective of running the VSTs, but Rosegarden won't 
recognise them otherwise.)

 6. Start up jackd; then run vstserver and leave it running.

 7. Run rosegardensequencer from a command-line in which both the 
aforementioned environment variables are set.

 8. Run the Rosegarden GUI.  You should now find your VSTs available 
in the plugin list (probably in the "unclassified" section if you 
have liblrdf taxonomy enabled), with names starting with VST.  The 
selection of control knobs probably won't be ideal, but one of the 
control knobs has the function of turning on the original Windows GUI 
for the plugin.

Good luck.  I've tried this with exactly one VST (North Pole), and it 
worked very well until I tried to un-plug it, and then it hung.


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Alexandre Prokoudine		| "When you set yourself on fire and aim 
ALT Linux Documentation Team	|  for the sky, you hope to leave behind 
E-mail: avp at altlinux.ru		|  some sparks of heat and light"
JabberID: avp at altlinux.org	|                             Neil Peart
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